Episode 25: Whitney Nosakhare, Henri Vogel & Neta-Paulina Wagner on mobility in Europe

Was bedeutet Mobilität im Kontext Europa? In der neuen Podcastfolge begeben sich unsere Hosts auf die Suche nach Antworten.

The latest podcast episode looks at mobility in Europe from different perspectives, from the right to free movement between national borders to free public transport and the options for people with different backgrounds to move around Europe safely – or not.
Neta-Paulina shares her knowledge as a critical geographer: „Critical geography approaches mobility as a socially constructed and contested process, shaped by power relations, inequalities and spatial structures.“ And Whitney, who is a human rights lawyer, explains the situation from a legal point of view: „A right to mobility is not really recognised as a fundamental right in most legal systems, but it is often considered a component of other recognised rights, such as the right to liberty, the right to freedom of movement.“

You can listen to this episode on all relevant platforms.
Now that we’ve barely scratched the surface, we’d like to delve deeper into this topic in the future. If you want to join the conversation and share your thoughts, write us an email info@dialogueperspectives.com and share your thoughts with us!

Intro: Carleigh Garcia| Speakers: Whitney Nosakhare, Neta-Pauline Wagner, Henri Vogel | Audio-Edit: Kevin Nagel | Music: Viktor Rosengrün | Editor: Katja Sigutina | ©2023 DialoguePerspectives

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