Episode 22: With David Bakum about the queer gaze in cinema, trans identity and activism

David ist nicht nur Teilnehmer von Dialogperspektiven, sondern auch Fellow der Jungen Islam Konferenz, Vorstandsmitglied von Keshet Deutschland, Previewer bei den Giornate degli Autori (Mostra del Cinema di Venezia), Aktivist und Filmemacher. Und jetzt ist er bei uns zu Gast im Podcast: 

In our latest podcast episode, our hosts Whitney, Neta-Paulina and Henri talked to David about his passion for film and learned a lot about his approach to this specific art and media form.

David is currently writing his bachelor’s thesis on the „queer gaze“ in film, in which he is developing his own definition of the term. In this context, they also talked about queer and trans identities, the chances and risks of „queer trends“ and mainstream media.

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You can listen to the podcast episode via all relevant podcast outlets.

Intro: Carleigh Garcia| Speakers: David Bakum, Whitney Nosakhare, Neta-Pauline Wagner, Henri Vogel | Audio-Edit: Kevin Nagel | Music: Viktor Rosengrün | Editor: Katja Sigutina | © 2023 DialoguePerspectives

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