Episode 20: Episode 20: Whitney Nosakhare & Neta-Paulina Wagner about the Spring Seminar 2023 in Kraków and their personal DialoguePerspectives highlights

Ihr wollt Eindrücke von unserem Frühjahrsseminar in Polen? Hier bekommt ihr sie direkt auf die Ohren.

Neta-Paulina, who has just returned from our Spring Seminar in Kraków, talks to Whitney about her impressions and also lets some of our participants speak about their previous knowledge and impressions of Poland. Inspired by the participants‘ responses and the diversity of the group, the two co-hosts recall their own memories of DialoguePerspectives seminars, as both have been attending our seminars for years, and share some highlights from their personal experiences.

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Intro: Carleigh Garcia| Speakers: Whitney Nosakhare, Neta-Pauline Wagner | Audio-Edit: Kevin Nagel | Music: Viktor Rosengrün | Editor: Katja Sigutina | © 2023 DialoguePerspectives

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