European Leadership Workshops

Complementary to the regular seminar programme, each year one European Leadership Workshop takes place in a different European metropole with a special meaning for interfaith dialogue. The European Leadership Workshop is open to participants and alumni of DialoguePerspectives who either have previous experience in interfaith dialogue, are engaged in their congregations, communities, or universities, or who have founded initiatives in the field. These workshops promote more intensive networking among the participants as well as exchange and networking with European and international actors. An intensive methods training serves to strengthen the participants in their future roles as European multipliers.

Workshop 2021

Workshop 2022

Workshop 2023

Workshop 2024

As an academic studying religious pluralism, I experienced a very warm and welcoming environment in the DialoguePerspectives programme. I learned a great deal from open-minded people from so many diverse backgrounds. DialoguePerspectives is truly pluralism in practice!

Fatima, DialoguePerspectives participant