European Leadership Workshop 2022


Inside the EU: Plurality & Anti-Discrimination in the workplace

20-24 September 2022, Brussels, Belgium

DialoguePerspectives goes EU! In a four-day workshop, we want to connect future leaders from the field of interreligious-world view dialogue with EU policy makers and practitioners, focusing on two main fields: labour law and plurality in the workplace.

In Brussels, we will visit the EU parliament and the EU commission and get together with a selection of representatives from NGOs and strategic law-makers concerned with labour law and working to combat discrimination in the workplace. We want to focus on how different types of discrimination – targeting employees based on faith, sex, gender, race, class, sexual orientation, or ability – are addressed by EU directives and laws, and which resources there are to take action for both institutional and civil society actors.


DialoguePerspectives enabled me to meet people with diverse backgrounds and different worldviews – many inspiring encounters and interesting discussions will stick with me forever. If you want to meet other young academics from all over Europe, reflect on your own identity and widen your horizon - apply!

Hicham, DialoguePerspectives participant