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Date: 21 June 2024 Time: 6 pm | Entry: 5:30 pm Location: Representation of the European Commission in Germany Unter den Linden 78, 10117 Berlin The event will be held […]
The  programme year 2023 is already almost coming to an end again. As part of this year’s Annual Summit, we will be holding the event “Communities in Solidarity. Ideas and […]
Presentation and expert talk with Sandra Parthie and Wiebke Ewering Moderation: Benjamin Fischer Religions and worldviews fundamentally shape current European discourses. The DialoguePerspectives. Discussing Religions and World Views programme is […]
DialoguePerspectives. Discussing Religions and Worldviews warmly invites you to the launch of »FUTURE OF REMEMBRANCE«, the international conference of the Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse (CPPD). The CPPD is a network […]
We live in a plural society. That which is supposed to hold us together is increasingly dividing us. Old ideas of societal cohesion are thus in urgent need of updating. […]
War has raged in Ukraine for over two months. The Jewish community in Germany is particularly affected by this war of aggression. About 45 percent of the Jews living here […]
˝Thanks to DialoguePerspectives I have encountered inspiring people who have expanded, and also completely changed, my understanding of religion, engagement, and encounter. The interdisciplinarity of the programme combined with the high standards everyone holds each other to have made DialoguePerspectives a formative experience for me.

Till, DialoguePerspectives alumnus