After two years of postponement we are looking forward to our spring seminar 2022 on “Religious diversity and the socio-political responsibility of religious communities in the centre of Europe” in Luxembourg. The seminar will be held in cooperation with the Luxembourg School of Religion and Society. During the seminar our participants will continue their joint work and will engage with the topics of the seminar in workshops, lectures and a variety of discussion formats with political and civil society actors as well as representatives of religious institutions.
The potential of acting in solidarity across the boundaries of religions and worldviews will be one important aspect of our seminar. The war in Ukraine shows how quickly religious and ideological communities take on practical responsibility. During the seminar we will therefore also focus on the role and possibilities of interreligious/worldview dialogue in the face of a turning point for European politics and societies. Together we will empower our participants to deal productively with diversity in order to meet the challenges of a plural European society increasingly marked by struggles for separation and polarization.
Stay tuned for further insides on our spring seminar 2022!
˝I attended several academic conferences on interreligious dialogue in the past, but I've never found a group like the one of DialoguePerspectives, that perfectly matches secularism with religions.
Eleonora, DialoguePerspectives participant