Review: Benefit evening for Ukraine

On Sunday, 22.05.2022, DAGESH. Jüdische Kunst im Kontext, DialoguePerspectives. Discussing Religions and Worldviews, and the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk invited the public to a benefit evening in the Ada Bar to collect donations for humanitarian aid for the people in Ukraine.

Readings by the authors Yuri Gurzhy, Lana Lux, and Yevgeniy Breyger were on the programme, as was a video installation by the artist Pavel Franzusov. The evening in Neukölln was rounded off by the impressive music of jazz singer Ganna Grynyva, who performed interpretations of Ukrainian folk songs both as a soloist and as a duo with jazz guitarist Attila Muehl.

It was a great, impressive evening of solidarity! A big thank you to all the artists for their contributions!

And of course, thank you to everyone who came to our benefit evening and donated so much! Thanks to your help, and with contributions from the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk, we were able to collect €2725.30 in donations, which will be transferred without deductions to the volunteer organisation Ukraine TrustChain.

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˝The programme makes possible something that is all too rare in our society these days: speaking and having discussions across borders, not about each other, but with each other. That can be a hard slog at times, but at the same time the format makes space for follow-up questions and deeper conversations that are only possible through trust on all sides.

Felix, DialoguePerspectives alumnus

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