Retrospect: DialoguePerspectives at the Passion Play 2022

Last weekend, May 13-15 2022, we had the amazing opportunity to attend the premiere of the Passion Play together with two groups of former and active participants. The Passion Play that has been performed every year from 1634 to 1680 and every ten years since then by the inhabitants of the village of Oberammergau.
It was a unique experience and an amazing weekend with participants of different generations connecting and discussing the Passion Play, its central themes and elements, interpretations and implications for our current society from various religious and nonreligious perspectives. A huge thank you goes to our colleagues from ELES for the support and the time together.

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˝The programme makes possible something that is all too rare in our society these days: speaking and having discussions across borders, not about each other, but with each other. That can be a hard slog at times, but at the same time the format makes space for follow-up questions and deeper conversations that are only possible through trust on all sides.

Felix, DialoguePerspectives alumnus

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