Episode 14: With Pauline Pautz & Lena Salewski on their experiences of working in different interreligious-worldview contexts

In the 14th episode of our series (Re-)Shaping Europe, Gil Shohat talks to two participants from our current program year: Pauline Pautz, who is participating in our programme for the first time, and Lena Salewski, who has already been a participant in DialoguePerspectives since 2019.

In the conversation, our two participants share their experiences of working in different interreligious-worldview contexts and talk about the different visibility of religious life in France and Germany. The main focus will be on the two programmes in which Lena and Pauline have participated: the French initiative Coexister, and the European programme DialoguePerspectives, with the focus on interreligious-worldview dialogue.

The podcast episode was recorded on February 10, 2022, hence no mention of the current war in Ukraine.
The entire podcast episode (in German) is accessible here.

Intro: Carleigh Garcia; Speakers: Gil Shohat; Lena Salewski; Pauline Pautz; Audio-Edit: Gal Yaron Mayersohn; Music: Viktor Rosengrün; Editor: Katja Sigutina; Project Leadership: Jo Frank, Johanna Korneli; | © 2022 DialoguePerspectives| www.dialogueperspectives.org

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As an academic studying religious pluralism, I experienced a very warm and welcoming environment in the DialoguePerspectives programme. I learned a great deal from open-minded people from so many diverse backgrounds. DialoguePerspectives is truly pluralism in practice!

Fatima, DialoguePerspectives participant

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