Policy Briefs as a means of forging a pluralistic Europe

DialoguePerspectives launched its first European Leadership Workshop in 2021, where present and former participants in the programme with a proven track record in interreligious/worldview practice worked together to learn the core principles of policy writing. In this task they were supported by several inputs by and discussions with experts in the field of policy advocacy.

In their policy briefs – on the implementation of a pluralistic culture of remembrance in European education and cultural policyon strengthening the civil rights of irregular migrants, and on creating EU-wide legal certainty for communities of care beyond current legal and societal family norms – the authors reflect on the social reality of Europe through their diverse intersectional perspectives and give policymakers at the European level recommendations for concrete political action, while also addressing civil society organisations and actors and demonstrating new perspectives fit for the future.

You can download the policy briefs here: 

  1. Yael Attia and Sonya Zayneb Ouertani: EU cultural and educational policies and practices – from memory to remembrance culture
  2. Santhi Corcoran, Ana Franca-Ferreira, and Mohammad Khanjar: As a global community, we face a choice. Do we want migration to be a source of prosperity and international solidarity, or a byword for inhumanity and social friction? (Antonio Guterres)
  3. Lorenz Hegeler, Felix Leininger, Maximiliane Linde, and Thao Tran: Establishing legal frameworks for a unified take on solidarity, empathy and care within the EU
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˝The programme makes possible something that is all too rare in our society these days: speaking and having discussions across borders, not about each other, but with each other. That can be a hard slog at times, but at the same time the format makes space for follow-up questions and deeper conversations that are only possible through trust on all sides.

Felix, DialoguePerspectives alumnus

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