Retrospect: Round Table at the Representation of the European Commission in Germany

With the EU representative for Jewish life and the fight against antisemitism, Katharina von Schnurbein, at the German representation of the EU Commission.

On Tuesday, our project manager Gil Shohat together with ELES colleague Maja Vataman participated in a roundtable discussion with the EU representative for Jewish life and the fight against antisemitism, Katharina von Schnurbein, at the Representation of the European Commission in Germany. One of the issues discussed was the need for European networking of initiatives in the field of interreligious/worldview dialogue in order to encourage the fight against anti-Semitism in all areas of civil society and to link it with other significant efforts for a pluralistic society based on solidarity. As a European programme, we consider this to be a great opportunity to continue to strengthen our engagement at the EU level and look forward to further exchanges. We would like to thank the Representation of the European Commission in Germany and Nikolaus von Peter for the invitation!

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˝Thanks to DialoguePerspectives I have encountered inspiring people who have expanded, and also completely changed, my understanding of religion, engagement, and encounter. The interdisciplinarity of the programme combined with the high standards everyone holds each other to have made DialoguePerspectives a formative experience for me.

Till, DialoguePerspectives alumnus

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