Dialogwerkstatt – Dialogue Workshop

DialoguePerspectives as Best Practice

The Eugen Biser Foundation‘s magazine “Dialogwerkstatt – Der Interreligiöse Dialog als Weg für ein gelingendes Zusammenleben” (Dialogue Workshop – Interreligious Dialogue as a Path to Successful Coexistence) presents DialoguePerspectives in its “Best Practice” section with a seven-page feature.

The magazine is in German and available as a free download here.

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˝The DialoguePerspective programme has created a unique platform for discourse and debate on a wide range of topics that have significance for the EU currently and in its future. DialoguePerspectives offers the opportunity to share, learn and explore as a community, questions that are relevant to our identity and the diversity of Europe. I highly recommend the programme.

Santhi, DialoguePerspectives participant

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