Episode 8: with Svea M. Schnaars on her experiences as an atheist in our interreligious-worldview programme as well as the necessary boundaries for conducting respectful and forward-oriented dialogue

In this episode, Gil Shohat spoke to our participant Svea M. Schnaars, a third-time participant in the DialoguePerspectives programme. They discussed her experiences as a self-proclaimed atheist in our interreligious-worldview programme as well as the necessary boundaries for conducting respectful and forward-oriented dialogue between participants of manifold backgrounds. Svea also shared some insights from her research in the last years, examining the relationship between Scientism, Critical Theory, as well as Poststructuralism in the context of the debate surrounding the “New Atheism” movement in the early 2000s. In this context, Svea explicitly underscored the importance of interreligious-worldview dialogue for non-believers like herself.

Svea M. Schnaars holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Cultural Studies from the University of Bremen. She is currently pursuing her MA in Social Sciences at the University of Oldenburg. Svea is furthermore recipient of a student-scholarship of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation and is furthermore active in fields of LGBTQI+ – rights, feminism and educational justice.

We hope you enjoy the conversation!

As always, you can listen to this episode via Apple Podcasts, Spotify & Buzzsprout.

Intro: Carleigh Garcia; Speakers: Gil Shohat; Svea Schnaars; Audio-Edit: Gal Yaron Mayersohn; Music: Viktor Rosengrün; Project Leadership: Jo Frank, Johanna Korneli; | © 2021 DialoguePerspectives| www.dialogueperspectives.org

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˝The DialoguePerspective programme has created a unique platform for discourse and debate on a wide range of topics that have significance for the EU currently and in its future. DialoguePerspectives offers the opportunity to share, learn and explore as a community, questions that are relevant to our identity and the diversity of Europe. I highly recommend the programme.

Santhi, DialoguePerspectives participant

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