Episode 13: With Akhmadshokh Sharifov on different ways of commemorating World War II in Tajikistan & in Germany and unconditional solidarity in a pluralistic society

In this 13th episode of our series (Re-)Shaping Europe, Gil Shohat speaks with our current participant Akhmadshokh Sharifov. Akhmadshokh was born and raised in the Central Asian Republic of Tajikistan and has been living in Germany for five years now. He is currently studying for a Master’s degree in “Theory and Comparison of Political Systems in Transition” at the University of Duisburg-Essen. His main areas of interest are European politics, peace and conflict studies and political culture in Europe. Akhmadshokh is also a co-founder of the student initiative “Tajiks without Borders”, which brings together students from Tajikistan in Germany. We spoke with him about his experiences with the different ways of commemorating the Second World War in Tajikistan – a former part of the Soviet Union – and in Germany, as well as about the potential of interreligious-worldview dialogue when it comes to mutual, unconditional solidarity in a pluralistic society.

The entire podcast episode (in German) is accessible here.

Intro: Carleigh Garcia; Speakers: Gil Shohat; Akhmadshokh Sharifov; Audio-Edit: Gal Yaron Mayersohn; Music: Viktor Rosengrün; Editor: Katja Sigutina; Project Leadership: Jo Frank, Johanna Korneli; | © 2022 DialoguePerspectives| www.dialogueperspectives.org

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˝Some wise person once wrote “The whole entire world is a very narrow bridge and the main thing is to have no fear at all.” I feel that thanks to DialoguePerspectives the world is becoming a network of interconnected bridges that we are building between each other together. Beautiful bridges thanks to which we can try to create a world together, a world free from prejudices and fear.

Anna, DialoguePerspectives participant

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