Annual Summit 2023

15 – 18 June 2023, Berlin/Germany

We will close the programme year in June 2023 with a four-day, Annual Summit. The programme participants will be actively involved in planning and carrying out the event. They will interact with European actors from politics, academia, civil society, and religious communities, and have the opportunity to actively and visibly position themselves in political and social discourses. The conference will offer an opportunity for the results of the joint work of the programme year to be discussed and presented to a broader audience.


˝Some wise person once wrote “The whole entire world is a very narrow bridge and the main thing is to have no fear at all.” I feel that thanks to DialoguePerspectives the world is becoming a network of interconnected bridges that we are building between each other together. Beautiful bridges thanks to which we can try to create a world together, a world free from prejudices and fear.

Anna, DialoguePerspectives participant