European Leadership Workshop

Spring 2020, Berlin
At the European Leadership Workshop you will come together with selected current and former participants of the DialoguePerspectives programme with experience in inter- religious dialogue who are involved in the life of their universities, religious and other communities, or who have founded initiatives on the ground. The European Leadership Workshop offers you the opportunity to network and exchange ideas and experiences with European and international actors. A focal point of the workshop will be an intensive training in methods.You will learn strategies and gain the tools to strengthen your role as a future decision-maker and European multiplier.

˝DialoguePerspectives offers a unique change of perspective! The programme allows you to really grapple with current and highly societally relevant questions, to reflect on your own identity, and to get to know the diversity of European identities. I am very grateful for the intensive personal discussion and encounters, and the great amount of food for thought that has stuck with me long past the seminars.

Ezgi, DialoguePerspectives alumnus