Retrospect: Workshop “Identity Molecules”

On 29 Mai 2024 we held the ‘Identity Molecules’ workshop as part of the ELES Welcome Days. The method of the workshop comes from anti-discrimination work and is a method of reflection that is intended to explore the broad spectrum of diversity and serves as a first tool to explore aspects of discrimination and privilege. Participants are asked to reflect on what constitutes their personal identity.
Once again, we had very exciting and informative discussions with the participants and would like to thank the ELES Studienwerk for the invitation!


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˝Thanks to DialoguePerspectives I have encountered inspiring people who have expanded, and also completely changed, my understanding of religion, engagement, and encounter. The interdisciplinarity of the programme combined with the high standards everyone holds each other to have made DialoguePerspectives a formative experience for me.

Till, DialoguePerspectives alumnus

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