Prince Edward’s visit at Alexander Haus in Groß Glienicke

On Tuesday, Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh and brother of the British King Charles III, visited the Alexander Haus in Groß Glienicke and met with local students, teachers, volunteers, Vivien Lewis and Michael Harding, grandchildren of Alfred Alexander, and partners of the Alexander Haus e.V. to learn about the history of the Alexander Haus, the various projects of the Alexander Hause e.V. and its partners, and the plans for the future.

Together with Anastassia Pletoukhina, Chair of the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Scholarship Fund, Johanna Korneli, Rachel de Boor and our participant Mohammed Ailkay had the wonderful opportunity to introduce Prince Edward to the work of the DialoguePerspectives and to address the importance of the Alexander Haus for our programme. Julia Schenke, the project architect from Chipperfield Architects presented the plans for an additional seminar building, that will extend the historic summer house as part of a future centre for education and interreligious/worldview dialogue. Together with the local community and regional, national and European partners, the Alexander Haus e.V. and DialoguePerspectives are working together to build a bridge from the past to the future and to transform the Alexander Haus into a unique place of remembrance, learning, encounter and interreligious/worldview dialogue that stands for coming together, for connections, and for a future that sees diversity as an opportunity. A place to strengthen and defend European civil society and to build a pluralistic, democratic and solidary Europe.

Many thanks to our partners at Alexander Haus e.V., to Berlind Wagner, Moritz Gröning and Thomas Harding for this unique opportunity.

Photo Credits:
André Wagner / Alexander Haus e.V.
Robert Kupzik
dpa/Hannes P. Albert

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˝DialoguePerspectives offers a unique change of perspective! The programme allows you to really grapple with current and highly societally relevant questions, to reflect on your own identity, and to get to know the diversity of European identities. I am very grateful for the intensive personal discussion and encounters, and the great amount of food for thought that has stuck with me long past the seminars.

Ezgi, DialoguePerspectives alumnus

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