Episode 21: Neta-Paulina Wagner, Whitney Nosakhare & Henri Vogel explore the notion of pluralism in Poland

In this episode, Whitney, Neta-Paulina and Henri dig a little deeper into the topic of pluralism in Polish society. And they include five very different perspectives from local activists, actors and researchers with whom the group met during the spring seminar 2023 in Kraków. Listen to their thoughts on achievements and challenges in Poland in terms of pluralism and on the broader framework of developments in Poland in the context of Europe.

Contributions by:
Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz
, Fundacja romska JAW DIKH | The Romani Foundation JAW DIKH
Filip Lipiński, Kosciót Ewangelicko-Augsburski w Polsce | Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland
Kamil Losiak, Fundacja Wiara i Tęcza| Faith and Rainbow Foundation
Katarzyna, Salam Lab
Dr Edyta Gawron, Instytut Judaistyki UJ, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie | Department of Jewish Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków

Write us an email to info@dialogueperspectives.com and join the conversation!


Intro: Carleigh Garcia | Speakers: Whitney Nosakhare, Neta-Pauline Wagner, Henri Vogel | Soundbites: Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz, Filip Lipiński, Kamil Losiak, Katarzyna Bryja, Dr Edyta Gawron, Audio-Edit: Kevin Nagel | Music: Viktor Rosengrün | Editor: Johanna Korneli | © 2023 DialoguePerspectives

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DialoguePerspectives is a great programme not only because of all the things you are going to learn during the seminars, not only because of the cool people you are going to meet but also because of the un-learning process that you will go through, getting rid of all the prejudices that you are not even aware of having.

Asmae, DialoguePerspectives participant

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