Episode 19: Whitney Nosakhare & Neta-Paulina Wagner on online activism and the role of social media

#BlackLivesMatter, #JinJiyanAzadi, #StandWithUkraine, #MeToo, #JeSuisCharlie – These hashtags have gone viral in recent years, supporting a range of political campaigns on social media. In the latest episode of our podcast, our co-hosts Neta-Paulina and Whitney discuss and analyse online activism from different perspectives. The main question on their minds is: How can social media campaigns have an impact on political decision making and what examples of successful campaigns do we already know?

In addition, the two discuss the moral boundaries of hackerism, the responsibility of politics and the state, and Whitney, who works as a human rights lawyer, explains how online petitions work and their function in politics. The two experts end the episode with a small pro & cons debate on opportunities and risks of online activism.

Listen to the full episode here.

Intro: Carleigh Garcia| Speakers: Whitney Nosakhare, Neta-Paulina Wagner | Audio-Edit: Kevin Nagel | Music: Viktor Rosengrün | Editor: Katja Sigutina | © 2023 DialoguePerspectives

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˝DialoguePerspectives offers a unique change of perspective! The programme allows you to really grapple with current and highly societally relevant questions, to reflect on your own identity, and to get to know the diversity of European identities. I am very grateful for the intensive personal discussion and encounters, and the great amount of food for thought that has stuck with me long past the seminars.

Ezgi, DialoguePerspectives alumnus

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