Episode 5: with Jaspreet Singh on the meaning of history and remembrance culture for him as Sikh living in the UK & his activist work the for the Sikh community in Birmingham

(Re-)Shaping Europe: Episode 5! In the new episode, our Programme Manager Gil Shohat speaks to our participant Jaspreet Singh. Jaspreet is a native of the Indian region of Punjab and completed his BA and MA in Business and Human Resource Managament at Birmingham City University in the UK, where he is currently pursuing his PhD on the subject of discrimination of employees from the Sikh community at the workplace.
Since his first days at the university, Jaspreet has been active in campus politics. Among others, his engagement lead him to be elected president of the Birmingham City University Student Union. Furthermore, Jaspreet has been active on behalf of the city’s Sikh community, where he has been involved in protest movements against discrimination in the UK and India. Gil spoke to him about his experiences with DialoguePerspectives, his expectations for our upcoming programme year, the meaning of history and remembrance culture for him as Sikh living in the UK as well as his activist work the for the Sikh community and the wider student body in Birmingham. We hope you enjoy the conversation.
You can listen to this episode via Apple Podcasts, Spotify & Buzzsprout.

Intro: Carleigh Garcia; Speakers: Gil Shohat; Jaspreet Singh; Audio-Edit: Gal Yaron Mayersohn; Music: Viktor Rosengrün; Project Leadership: Jo Frank, Johanna Korneli; | © 2021 DialoguePerspectives| www.dialogueperspectives.org

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˝Some wise person once wrote “The whole entire world is a very narrow bridge and the main thing is to have no fear at all.” I feel that thanks to DialoguePerspectives the world is becoming a network of interconnected bridges that we are building between each other together. Beautiful bridges thanks to which we can try to create a world together, a world free from prejudices and fear.

Anna, DialoguePerspectives participant

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