DialoguePerspectives on quantara.de

"Jews are being used to create anti-Muslim feeling" -quatara.de

Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Scholarship Fund and Avicenna academic foundations promote discourse between Jewish and Muslim scholarship holders. Two of them, Rachel de Boor and Hani Mohseni, spoke with Ursula Rüssmann. The interview about DialoguePerspectives, new alliances between jewish and muslim communities and „why the majority of society wants to see devout Jews, but liberal Muslims“, has been published on qantara.de.

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˝Thanks to DialoguePerspectives I have encountered inspiring people who have expanded, and also completely changed, my understanding of religion, engagement, and encounter. The interdisciplinarity of the programme combined with the high standards everyone holds each other to have made DialoguePerspectives a formative experience for me.

Till, DialoguePerspectives alumnus

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