Religion Reloaded?

A Look At Chances And Challenges For European Societies

19. Oktober 2017, 20:00, Paideia // Stockholm

Im Rahmen des Herbstseminars 2017 findet am 19. Oktober2017 eine gemeinsam von Paideia und den Dialogperspektiven organisierte öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion statt, bei der Fania Oz-Salzberger (Paideia) und Frederek Musall (Dialogperspektiven) gemeinsam mit Jo Frank (ELES/Dialogperspektiven) über die Rolle von Religionen in europäischen Gesellschaften heute diskutieren.
DialoguePerspectives in collaboration with Paideia – The Institute for Jewish studies in Sweden organizes a panel discussion for public entitled Religion Reloaded? A look at chances and challenges for European societies. Fania Oz-Salzberger, Frederek Musall and Jo Frank will discuss recent political developments in Europe, the rise in right wing populism, burka bans, and more outspoken religious minorities participating in the public sphere and asking pressing questions, some of which might be:

What does religious self-expression look like? How do religious minorities articulate themselves in secular and/or majority Christian spaces? What can religious communities contribute to public political discourses? What do Paideia and DialoguePerspectives want for their religious communities? What about ‚atheistic’ and ‚non-theistic‘ or otherwise defined world views?

