Retrospect: Decade Edition 2024

Reflecting the Past, Envisioning the Future European Core Conflicts in a Time of Polycrisis

Europe’s response to crises must prioritise pluralism and dialogue. The breakdown of dialogue is a root cause of the erosion of social cohesion; yet, it is through dialogue that we can discover new objectives, foster a hopeful outlook, and gain the confidence needed to confront crises, overcome stagnation, and actively shape our shared future. This is what DialoguePerspectives stands for, celebrating 10 years of focused, future-oriented European dialogue work.

Europe’s polycrisis, marked by political, social, and environmental upheavals, urgently demands pluralistic responses. Recent developments, including the US election results and the collapse of the German government, have exacerbated Europe’s crisis. The convergence of societal polarisation, disinformation, and climate emergencies poses a palpable threat to European democracy. Ethno-nationalist movements exploit existing crises to undermine public trust in European states and institutions. The attacks on 7 October, the ongoing war in Gaza and Lebanon, and debates surrounding Europe’s future role in supporting Ukraine against Russia illustrate how geopolitical instability spills into Europe, fuelling radicalisation and threatening social resilience. This was recently evidenced by the antisemitic attacks in Amsterdam. In this context, the role of religious and ideological communities in supporting civil society is crucial. Europe can no longer afford to overlook the importance of dialogue in pluralistic societies.

For the past decade, DialoguePerspectives has filled this critical gap, promoting a pluralistic and inclusive approach that harnesses the potential of European communities to bolster solidarity and societal resilience. DialoguePerspectives has proven to be an effective programme that translates interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue into meaningful action, establishing itself as an exemplary model for strengthening Europe’s resilience through a decade of dedicated work. However, as Rabbi Yehuda Sarna remarked during our Decade Edition, “Resilience is the capacity to endure and recover after a setback, but what we truly need is antifragility – the ability to emerge from every crisis not just intact, but stronger.”


To mark this decade of dialogue, the Decade Edition 2024 commenced with a public event where Rabbi Yehuda Sarna’s keynote address, Resilience and Cooperation in Times of Crisis, set the tone for a comprehensive exploration of Europe’s challenges. The high-profile panel discussion Confronting Europe’s Polycrisis: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Challenges provided profound insights from Dr Max Czollek, Prof. Dr Mona Siddiqui OBE, Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, and Prof. Dr Andrea Pető.


The conference, attended by participants from across Europe, underscored the understanding that strengthening European solidarity requires bolstering pluralism. International cooperation must go hand in hand with concrete measures that centre on Europe’s identity as a strong, united collective founded on pluralistic democracies.

Through interactive workshops, lectures, and spaces for reflection, the conference facilitated an in-depth engagement with pressing sociopolitical issues. The programme emphasised that promoting interreligious and worldview dialogue is essential to counter the forces driving extremism and societal fragmentation. The conference format – integrating discussions, experiential learning, and open dialogue forums – enabled critical reflection and collective growth. A particular highlight was the World Café session, showcasing participant-led and DialoguePerspectives-supported projects that have tangibly advanced pluralism within European societies.

As part of the Decade Edition, a closed-door discussion with political and civil society leaders was held with Rabbi Sarna, who provided valuable insights into the often overlooked diplomatic aspects of dialogue that enable the construction of robust structures even in times of crisis.

The Decade Edition of DialoguePerspectives demonstrated that interreligious and worldview dialogue is indispensable for Europe’s democratic anti-fragility and social cohesion. The event emphasised that pluralism must be action-oriented, conscious of history, and responsive to contemporary challenges. It is not just a guiding value but a fundamental pillar for Europe’s future.


To truly secure Europe’s democratic future, we need expanded and supported dialogue spaces within and beyond the EU. These platforms empower communities to take an active role in building a united, robust society. As such a platform, DialoguePerspectives calls for concrete investment in these efforts – Europe’s resilience and antifragility depend on it.

Next Steps

European Practitioners Network Against Antisemitism

Workshop “Antisemitism in the Digital Age”

13-15 November 2024 | Belgrade, Serbia

For more details about DialoguePerspectives, please contact us at or visit our website.

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DialoguePerspectives is a great programme not only because of all the things you are going to learn during the seminars, not only because of the cool people you are going to meet but also because of the un-learning process that you will go through, getting rid of all the prejudices that you are not even aware of having.

Asmae, DialoguePerspectives participant

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